Skin boosters are an injectable treatment that is designed to deliver deep skin hydration & to smooth out fine lines. They promote a natural glow & radiance, which creates flawless results & gorgeous, glowing skin, that gives it that youthful appearance. This is a relatively new treatment concept which has become a lot more popular over the last few years. (Typically lasts up to 6 months)
Profhilo is an award-winning injectable skin remodelling treatment that is used for its subtle but immediate hydrating and skin tightening results.
The treatment targets skin that lacks volume and elasticity, making it ideal for anyone over the age of 30 who is experiencing some skin laxity, crepe-like skin or fine lines and wrinkles.
(2 sessions needed, 4 weeks apart)
This is ideal for individuals struggling with crepey, thin skin. Sunekos is a popular treatment, not only because it regenerates ageing skin, but it's also exceptionally good for reducing dark under-eye circles, & can be used virtually anywhere on the face & body.
(3-4 sessions needed 10 days apart)
The main benefit of using Sunekos 1200, is it helps sagging skin and wrinkles. The antioxidants and “volumising” properties, boost the action of Sunekos 200. This is known as the cushion technique, which means it helps to rejuvenate the skin, creating a plumper appearance.
Jalupro is an injectable treatment containing amino acids. It stimulates fibroblasts in the skin to produce collagen and elastin restoring elasticity and volume to the skin.
(3-4 sessions needed, 10 days apart)
Ejal 40 is a bio-revitalizing gel containing the latest generation of medium molecular weight hyaluronic acid ideal to rebuild the basic structure of the extracellular matrix. Treatments with Ejal 40 will firm sagging skin, reduce wrinkles, improve the skin tone and elasticity as well as improve the overall skin condition. A fantastic alternative to Profhilo.
It also adds back ‘glow’ to your face. It improves skin volume and elasticity, leaving your face feeling more plump & youthful.
A syringe of AIOR 50 is injected into five specific areas of the face. By doing so, the product reforms the skin's extracellular matrix; switches on collagen and elastin production; reduces the appearance of wrinkles; increases skin density and tautness, evens out skin tone; and revitalizes damaged skin.
Lumi Eyes reduces dark circles under the eyes, moisturises and fights fine wrinkles, as well as smoothing and lifting the skin under the eyes. As a tissue booster, it has a proven rejuvenating effect, it improves the firmness, density and quality of the skin in an extremely natural way.
The use of AMI EYES will make the skin more elastic, stimulate collagen synthesis, regenerate by stimulating the elasticity of the fibres, making the under eye area appear more brighter and rejuvenated.